
Since the lives of the Beatles is widely known and the information about them is easy to access a hold of
to learn more about them, I'm only going to do a very simple route regarding them and their existance on this site.
John Winston Ono Lennon October 9, 1940 Liverpool,
England- December 8, 1980 New York City, New York
father of Julian (with Cynthia) and Sean (with Yoko). Stepfather to Kyoko
James Paul McCartney June 18, 1942 Liverpool,
father to Mary, Stella, James (with Linda), and Beatrice (with Heather). Adopted stepdaughter Heather as his own
George Harrison February 25, 1943 Liverpool,
England- November 29, 2001 Los Angeles, California
father to Dhani (with Olivia)
Richard Starkey July 7, 1940 Liverpool, England
father to Zak, Jason, and Lee (with Maureen). Stepfather to Francesca and Gianni
Melville See, Jr. April 19, 1938 Albany, New York- March 19,
2000 Tucson, Arizona Born to Joseph Melville and Matilda Pilger in Albany and grew up in Scarsdale, New York. Attended Princeton University, where
he played football varsity. He was good friends with Linda Eastman. He moved to Arizona to
study geology at University
of Arizona in 1960 and Linda soon moved
there. After Linda's mother died in 1962, Mel and Linda got together and Linda became pregnant. They married on June 18, 1962 and
their daughter Heather Louise was born on December 31, 1962. Mel moved to Africa the
following year, hoping that Linda and Heather would follow; however Linda filed for divorce, which became final in June of
1965. Mel was an anthropologist, an ethnographer who photographed, filmed and wrote about different cultures, especially the
pre-Columbian art. In the 1980s, Heather and Mel reunited and she moved in with him in Arizona, Heather
soon developed her father's taste in culture arts that have inspired her pottery and house ware designs. After Linda's death
in April of 1998, Heather phoned Mel with the news, he was devastated by her death. On March 19, 2000, Mel
committed suicide. He was survived by Heather and his companion, Beverly Wilk.
Anthony Cox
Musician, film producer, and art promoter, he met Yoko Ono in Japan, marrying her in 1962 but her first marriage to
Toshi Ichiyangi wasn’t finalized so it was annulled until 1963 when they remarried again after her divorce was finalized.
Their daughter, Kyoko Chan, was born on August
8, 1963 in Japan. Tony
worked as Yoko’s pubilist, promoting her and moving to New York and
then to London in
1966. In 1969, after Yoko had gotten together with John Lennon, they divorced with a custody battle over Kyoko who Tony had
done the most parenting while Yoko worked. In 1971, Tony took Kyoko and disappeared with his new wife Melinda. They had joined
the “Church of the Living World” cult for some years, changing Kyoko’s name to Rosemary. In 1990s with Tony’s
consent as Kyoko was now an adult, she reunited with her mother.
Count Augusto
Gregorini March 17, 1938 Rome, Italy-
November 22, 2017 Rome, Italy A successful business man, met Barbara Goldbach, a fledging model, in
the plane and they were married in 1966. They had Francesca in 1967 and Gianni in 1971. Barbara and Augusto were divorced
in 1977 and shared custody of the children, even sleeping at one's houses while in town (in separate bedrooms). He attended
his ex-wife's wedding to Ringo Starr in 1981. Augusto passed away on November 22, 2017 with Barbara and the children
attending (Ringo was on tour).
Bruce Arthur Blakeman October 2, 1955, New York
A successful lawyer for financing and real
estate who ran for a seat as a Senator; born to Robert Blakeman with a brother, Brad. Met Nancy Shevell while studying at
Arizona State University before getting married in 1984. They had a son, Arlen Walters, in 1992. In 2007, Bruce and Nancy
separated before divorcing in 2009. Bruce was involved with Dr. Gervaise Gerstner before marrying lawyer Segal Magori
in May of 2015.

Powell Lennon Charles September 10, 1939 Blackpool, England- April 1, 2015 Mallorca, Spain
Born to Charles
and Lillian Powell. After her father's death, Cynthia was enrolled to Liverpool College of Art where she met John in 1957.
By the fall of 1958, John and Cynthia were a couple- inseparable and Cynthia was in the audience for the Beatles early performances
as well as their rehearsals. In 1960 through 1962, the Beatles made annual trips to Hamburg, Germany with John writing to
Cynthia on a daily basis. In the summer of 1962, Cynthia discovered that she was pregnant and on August 23rd, John and Cynthia
were married. John's marriage was kept a secret from the public as well later with the birth of Julian when the Beatles were
becoming more successful. However the secret was out in late 1963. With John spending more time in London, the family moved
there and eventually to Weybridge in Surrey in 1964 until 1968 when John and Cynthia divorced. Cynthia remarried in 1970 to
Roberto Bassanini and started her run with the restuarant business. In 1973, Cynthia and Roberto were divorced and she enjoyed
her life away from the public eye, raising Julian. In 1976, Cynthia remarried to John Twist and moved to Wales, until their
divorce in 1982. In the 1980s, Cynthia created her own brand of perfume 'Woman', television journalism, holding her own art
exhibitions, and a regular guest for Beatles' conventions. In 2002, Cynthia remarried to Noel Charles and lives in Spain while
very close to Julian. Sadly, on March 10, 2013, Noel died in his sleep after battling cancer for two years. In early 2015,
Cynthia was diagnosed with cancer but it was too late- she died on the morning of April 1, 2015 at home with Julian at her
Cox Starkey Tigrett August 4, 1946 Liverpool, England- December 30, 1994 Seattle, Washington
Maureen was born
to Joseph and Florence Cox. At the age of 15, Maureen quit school to work as a hairdresser and was a regular at the Cavern
club where the Beatles and Rory Storm & the Hurricanes played. At the age of 16, Maureen and Ringo started to date and
tried to keep their romance a secret from jealous Beatles' fans. Ringo and the Beatles started to become more famous and whenever
they would get a day off, Ringo would spend his time with her. In 1963, without her parents' knowledge, Maureen went on holiday
with Ringo to Greece. In 1964, Maureen traveled to London to aide Ringo who was recovering from tonsils and moved in with
him. On February 11, 1965, Maureen and Ringo were married and later that same year moved to Surrey, nearby the Lennons' home.
After the Beatles' breakup and birth of their third child, Lee, the marriage started to fall apart. Ringo started to drink
alcohol heavily and often traveled to California while Maureen had a brief affair with George Harrison. In 1975, Ringo and
Maureen divorced and she became involved with Isaac Tigrett, helping him with collecting memorabilia for his Hard Rock Cafe
chain and spending time traveling by the Tigrett Family train with homes in Tennessee, California, and England. In 1987, Maureen
gave birth to Augusta and in 1989, married Isaac. In April of 1994, Maureen collapsed during the opening of House of Blues
and was diagnosed with leukemia. On December 30, 1994, Maureen died with her children, Isaac, and Ringo at her side.
Louise Eastman McCartney September 24, 1941 Scarsdale, New York- April 17, 1998 Tucson, Arizona
Linda was born
to Lee and Louise Eastman. After her mother's death in 1962, Linda married her friend, Mel See, and had her daughter Heather
later that year while attending college. After when she separated from Mel, Linda and Heather moved to New York where she
worked as a photographer for 'Town & Country' magazine. In 1967, Linda sent her photography portfolio to Brian Epstein,
determined to photograph the Beatles, who she was a fan of. She was invited to photograph them by Brian for the release of
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" at his home; she first met Paul a few days prior to the event at Bag O'Nails club.
Linda traveled back to New York until the following year when John and Paul came over to promote their business venture, Apple.
Paul and Linda reconnected however he was engaged to Jane Asher. A few months later, Paul and Jane broke up and he invited
Linda to England. They married on March 12, 1969 and Mary was born the same year. After the Beatles broke up, the family went
to Scotland where Paul suffered from depression- Linda encouraged him to a positive track to continue on with his music career;
Paul enlisted Linda as a member of his band which became Wings in 1971, the same year Stella was born. During the 1970s, Wings
was a successful band despite the negative press and fans' attitude against Linda and her lack of playing the keyboards and
fashion style. By 1981, after Paul's bust on a drug charge in Japan, Wings disbanded; the McCartneys settled down after many
years of touring although Paul continued with his music while Linda resumed her photography and became a dedicated animal
activist- releasing vegetarian cookbooks and frozen meals. From 1989-1993, Paul and Linda toured with a new band and in 1995,
Linda was diagnosed with breast cancer- her public appearances became far and few in between yet she continued with her projects.
However, in 1998, Linda's health took a turn for a worse when the cancer spread to her liver. On April 17, 1998, Linda died
with Paul and her children at her side.
Ono Lennon February 18, 1933 Tokyo, Japan
Yoko was born to
Eisuke and Isako Ono; however Eisuke was in the United States and didn't meet his daughter until she was three years old.
Yoko was a young child during World War II, protecting her younger siblings and being primarily raised by nannies. As a young
adult, Yoko lived in New York and in 1957, against her parents' wishes, married Toshi Ichiyangi. In 1962, after being friends
for many years, Yoko married Tony Cox however the marriage was invalid as she was still married to Toshi; when the divorce
became final, Yoko and Tony legally married. The following year, Kyoko was born- however she was determined to make a name
for herself as an artist. In 1965, the family moved to London and in 1966, met John Lennon when he visited the Gallery before
the official opening. In 1968, John and Yoko were in love and established themselves as partners for art, music, films, and
protesting for peace. After the Beatles' breakup and their marriage, Kyoko was kidnapped by her father. While looking for
Kyoko, John and Yoko moved to New York in 1971. In 1973, they separated; Yoko remained in New York while John spend most of
his time in California. In 1975, they reunited and welcomed Sean that year. On December 8, 1980, John was murdered outside
their home with Yoko there. Yoko continues her work as an artist and musician, as well as marketing John's name and music.
Trinidad Arias Harrison May 18, 1948 Mexico City, Mexico
Olivia was born
to Zeke and Mary Louise Arias. The family moved to California and in 1974, Olivia was working at a record company where she
met George- she accompanied him on his tour of America. They fell in love and a year after George's divorce from Pattie Boyd
was final, George and Olivia were quietly married a month after Dhani was born. The Harrison family mostly stayed out of the
public eye as George continued with his music career. In 1990, after reading about the story in the papers, Olivia set out
to help the orphan Romanian children, launching Romanian Angel Appeal with help from Barbara, Linda, and Yoko. In 1998, George
revealed that he was battling throat cancer and successfully recovered but he was soon diagnoses with lung cancer. However
in 1999, an intruder broke into their home in Henley-on-Thames and stabbed George in the chest with a knife; Olivia managed
to stop the man by knocking him with a lamp. In 2001, the cancer spread to George's brain and on November 29, he passed away
with Olivia and Dhani at his side. Olivia took over George's projects for the Beatles' and his solo career.
Anne Mills McCartney January 12, 1968 Aldershot, England
Heather was born to Mark and Beatrice Mills.
When she was 13, Beatrice left home, leaving Heather in charge of the household- doing the cooking and cleaning while attending
school. A few years later, Heather was reunited with her mother and her father was arrested for fraud. In the 1980s, Heather
met Alfie Karmal, who convinced her to become a model. After the death of her mother in 1989, Heather and Alfie married; they
had a turbulant marriage and she had two ectopic pregnancies; by 1991, they were divorced. In 1993, Heather was crossing the
street and was knocked down by a police motorcycle- breaking her ribs, crushing her pelvis, and lost the lower part of her
left leg. Heather got herself a limb and commited herself to help amputees not to give up on their lives when they lose a
limb. In 1999, Heather met Paul McCartney at an awards ceremony. He supported her charities at first before their relationship
became romantic. In 2000, Paul and Heather announced that they were an item and very happy. They got married in 2002; the
following year, Beatrice was born. Heather accompanied Paul on his tours and supported his own charities of animal rights
and breast cancer. However, in 2006, Paul and Heather separated, filing for divorce that same year while sharing custody of
Beatrice. Since her separation, the press, especially the tabloids, developed a war against Heather- prompting her to fight
back to protect Beatrice and her reputation with her charity work. In 2009, Heather opened up her first vegan restaurant,
V-Bites. In 2011, Heather started training for the Sochi 2014 Paralympics but was dropped out in 2013 for not meeting
the regulation requirements of her equipment. Heather switched to speed ski racer and set the world record as the fastest
disabled woman. Heather became a reality contestant on 'The Jump' and wants to compete in the 2018 Paralympics in Korea while
dividing her time in England and Austria.